Gotta get away...

(This is a teaser piece/connecting bridge for the upcoming "Taun" project that has not been announced shush)

Made for Deck-Month 2 

Made with Decker and JankyTunes

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(4 total ratings)
GenreAdventure, Simulation
Tagsdecker, devil, Forest, hole, jimmy, Short, Surreal, vacation, weird

Development log


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A wild walk around the wood(s)... I have experienced things here.


Thanks for taking a stroll in my weird neck of wood!


this game inspired me to drop acid 


you might just be my target audience (unless you're a cabbage in disguise). Thanks for playing!


fuck yeah. yes. good shit


Your poetry has touched my heart.. My heart is a child though, so CPS has been notified. Happy you enjoyed this monstrosity!


There is much going on here that I do not fully understand but it looks wild! And you have probably used JankyTunes more than anyone else (except me probably, lol).

If you want to have it so the jankytunes don't stop while the dialgoizer bits are running, there is a bit of code you can use to make that happen - here's a post I made about that

Up to you whether that's a thing that's useful to you though, given the style it's totally legit if you prefer it as is! I am happy to help though if you want.

You rock Milly! Thanks for the code and for checking this monstrosity out, I really do love incorporating the Jank!


"I"... "like" ... where this is ... "going" (!)


Thanks for "ingesting" this "sustenance" [end of transmission]