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May the illuminated swarms follow in my wake and see through the fnords to find the truth of the false self in punishment. Usurp god and ask "Who is in its place?"


i understand i am being punished and or withheld from but the third riddle is stumping me!!!! i am reading so many articles abt alchemy am i on the right track? its fine if u dont want to give a hint, i am having a lot of fun, <3 this project


I describe the answer when you get the question wrong. You are on the right track! I'm so happy that someone has made it to the third question! Thank you for playing :)



thank you !!! i love to devour :]


i enjoyed this a lot although i'm bad at riddles :)


I'm happy you enjoyed it! My next project will be more "user friendly" as opposed to a "punishment project". Thanks for playing!


omg I think you're the first person who isn't me to use jankytunes for anything! thank you!


I love the Jank so much! Thanks for playing and for being such a huge contributor to the Decker community!

If you are interested there's some things you can do to have the jankytunes contraptions play automatically and then hide the default controls, or like replace the controls with your own buttons, basically there are functions you can call on the contraptions to have them do that but reach out if you want help! But if you prefer it the way it is that's all good!


It would be ideal if I could have the jankytunes contraption invisible, and have the music automatically start to play. I'm not sure if that would be a scripting thing (which I'm still slowly learning) or something else, but I'd love help! I know I have more to say, but I had a wisdom tooth ripped out of my head today and am feeling a bit off

Yeah, it is a scripting thing, but not a complicated one. The scripting line for starting the contraption playing from the start of the song is just


(assuming the contraption has the default name), so you just need to call that as the first thing when a card opens. It may work if you put it in the "on view" part of the card's code.

And then to hide the buttons you just need to set the contraption to "show none".

But by all means wait until the pain and associated painkillers subside before thinking about anything complicated <3


Thanks for the help and kind words! Looking forward to implementing this in my upcoming work :)


I'm confused on what I'm supposed to do for the polluted wetlands question

(1 edit)

What is the source of Hope? (Hint: it involves You)

idk humans?

It only gets harder from here, but I'll give the first answer as a freebee: within. Hope is found within. I hope you are enjoying this Punishment Game!


Completely unhinged but in the end I found my swamp messiah. 5 out of 5 sentient crockpot leftovers.


Love your work, thanks for the stellar review! It sounds like there may have been more giblets to acquire though :)


Thank you for the kind words! I am likewise very happy to see more of this completely crazy use of Decker to explore the unknown, it suits the tool really well. This one is super wild.